Happy Customers!

Happy Customers!

It is lovely to receive feedback from our customers highlighting our reliability and attentiveness in doing our job! “Thank you for your prompt and effective response to the power failure/alarm reset issue at my house just now. Particular thanks to Ali for good...
Summertime Security

Summertime Security

Whilst it’s lovely to have some warmer weather during the summer months, with it, comes a number of security risks. – Many people leave doors and windows open both during the day and at night – In offices & places of work windows are often left open...
Chat with your teenagers…before it’s too late!

Chat with your teenagers…before it’s too late!

It would be a shame to begin teenage life and head into adulthood with a criminal record. In the last year Black and White Security officers have been on scene with the fire brigade at two major fires caused by youths messing about with lighters and aerosol cans that...
Keyless Car Theft & Prevention

Keyless Car Theft & Prevention

Please be aware, there have been a few recent ‘keyless’ car thefts in the area. Store your keyless car keys in Faraday bags (these can be purchased at most online retailers), in a room away from any front doors or windows to the property. Be aware of any...