Read our security Blog
Keep up to date with the latest news from Black and White Key Security
The importance of Vacant Property Inspections
Vacant Property Inspections (VPIs) are a crucial part of the security of a building. In addition to keyholding and...
Summer Security
Whilst it’s lovely to have some warmer weather during the summer months, with it, comes a number of security risks....
SIA Approved Contractor Annual Assessment
Black and White Key Security ltd have been an SIA approved contractor for 14 years now. We had our annual ACS...
Recent successes for our mobile patrol team
During a routine mobile patrol of some offices over the weekend, our officer discovered a bad leak. In spotting this...
Client Satisfaction
In our recent Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) annual inspection, the inspector spoke with a number of domestic and...
Knowledge of current UK Terror Threat
Keep in the loop with this link giving information from the government on the current status of the UK terror threat....
It’s all about our customers!
A recent customer satisfaction survey returned an extremely positive combined result of 97%. We are delighted to...
Citizen Aid App- Everyone should download this FREE App
The Citizen Aid App is completely free to download and it is something that everyone should have quick access to. It...
Teamwork makes the dream work!
A huge shout out to our team of dedicated staff who showed excellent commitment and collaboration during some busy...
Black and White Key Security offer a wide range of keyholding and alarm response security services for both the commercial and domestic sectors.
All of our security officers are fully vetted, insured and trained before deployment and carry personal identification at all times.
For further information regarding our extensive keyholding services please contact us here or call us on 0808 169 9913.

We can supply Nationwide coverage and our core areas include:
Hemel Office: Hemel Hempstead, Watford, Aylesbury, St. Albans, Luton, Stevenage and surrounding areas.
Marlow Office: Marlow, High Wycombe, Beaconsfield, Amersham, Maidenhead, Slough, Reading and surrounding areas.